SailPro FAQ's

SailPro FAQ's

Here is a list of commonly asked questions and answers regarding the use of SailPro.

Firstly its important to ensure that you have the latest version of SailPro.  Please check by visiting SailPro on either the Google Play or Apple App Stores and ensure the app is up to date.

1)  What device settings should I have to ensure that SailPro functions correct?


Ensure you have allowed SailPro to access your location by clicking -  'Allow While Using App' as shown in the image below. If you click 'Only Once' the next time you start SailPro it will not function correctly.


Ensure you allow SailPro to access your precise location and that SailPro has access to your Location permissions 'Allow all the time'


2) I cannot see the count down number correctly?

A.  IF your SailPro display is not showing correctly it is most likely due to you having your devices 'Font' size too large.  Please navigate to your devices 'Font Size' setting and set it to normal.  This is only applicable to Android devices.  (Please note the next release of SailPro shall address this issue)

3) Android - SailPro stops calling out boat speed when the app closes or my phone display turns off.

Issues like this are typically due to the user not accepting the location permissions meaning that SailPro cannot access your location.  This typical can happen mainly on an Android device.  Please ensure you have enabled 'Location' permission for SailPro on your device and set it to 'Allow all the time'

3) What device do you recommend to run SailPro on.

You can run SailPro on any Android or Apple (iOS 17) mobile phone or a Google WearOS device.  There are a number of Waterproof phone cases on the market that will make your device waterproof and because you don't have to look at the screen you can put your device away after the start gun.  Checkout or SHOP for some suggestions.

4) My battery is draining to fast is their a battery save mode?

Yes! Within the settings 'Batter Saver' setting.  Set this to the on position however please note; features such as race tracking and boat speed will not function.
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